MINDBURNER MIDI Master clock with 4x Outputs
A solid stable standalone MIDI master clock suitable for setups that respond to MIDI clock.
9-12v DC Use a 2.1mm plug power supply.
capacity 1A+, tip positive
versions available with or without 3PIN UK power supply
Runs nicely off a 9v battery and suitable 9v to 2.1 mm lead/holder.
Loads on eBay.
Handy for a quick jam. My device power draw is around 20mA
so that equivalent to about 20 hours operation.
DC power recommended for long sessions though.
Modes - Internal/bypass:
Set by a switch.
INTERNAL (LED on) Master clock. This is the main mode. The device acts as a standalone MIDI clock source, an accurate timing master for synths.
Any incoming MIDI data e.g. playing a keyboard will be passed thru from MIDI input to outputs together with the clock . Background clock is continuously sent out.
BYPASS (LED off) The device generates nothing.
It is effectively bypassed.
LED display will attempt to guess the incoming tempo. This is just an indication.
Incoming MIDI data will be passed thru from MIDI input to outputs.
Encoder knob:
This is used to set the tempo. Pressing it down will send start and stop messages, effectively starting and stopping the clock .Due to supply issues - The encoder knob may be of a slightly different style than the one shown in the image, but will be just as cool.
This resets the device, usually to the last BPM used when powered off.
LED display:
This shows tempo BPM. The top rightmost segment flashes to the beat. The bottom rightmost segment lights up when clock start/stop is being output.
This allows the user to tap out a beat. The device will attempt to lock to the tapped tempo. 3 Taps are required.
Remote option:
The 3.5mm jack can be use to remotely start the clock. E.g. A lead could be wired to a remote switch or a footswitch could be utilized if a 3.5mm to 6.35mm adapter was used.
✫ 4 Outputs
✫ Clock LED indicates clock
activity and/or MIDI in activity.
✫ BPM 10-350
✫ MIDI IN data is passed thru to the
4x MIDI outputs in both modes.
✫ Background Clock is always
running in INTERNAL mode.
✫ Dimensions 100W x100L x25Hmm
✫ Power consumption 71mA
My MIDI to DINSYNC module can be used to add CV clock options to this stable source. It works well for example to drive a TR606 and TB303 in perfect timing.
Quick demo:
A Note on DAW's
I have been asked if it's possible to sync a DAW (Cubase, Reaper, Ableton etc) to this device.
Most DAWS are designed to sync to MTC (MIDI Time Code) rather than MIDI clock.
These are not the same thing.
My device and many others puts out MIDI clock so it's not really doable, although depending on the DAW, it may be possible.